Sunday, July 27, 2008

We Will Rock You!

All you rockers would love this musical stage production! Not many good shows and concerts play in Bangkok. So when something does come through, we usually go. This was the last day of performances for We Will Rock You, the musical by Queen & Ben Elton, a three hour performance in one of the nicest theaters in town. Great music!
The story takes place in the future on Planet Mall, formally Earth. Globalization is complete - people listen to the the same music, watch the same shows, wear the same fashions.  Everything is controlled by Global Soft.  Resistance in music is growing, all musical instruments are banned. The underground bohemians are looking for a hero to help salvage music from the Golden Age.


2-ton said...

Got this on my alert. Glad you loved WWRY as I am a big Queen and MiG (Galileo) fan. I hope you were able to meet some of that cast and get your program signed!

kim* said...

my boyfriend would LOVE this. i am going to look into it thank you so much!

Taylor said...

Oh my gosh! My husband would so love that! He is such a huge Queen fan!